eLBaaS - embedded Linux Build as a Service

An AWS like "no-code" build solution for embedded OS customization to address typical software integration, deployment and maintenance issues in embedded Linux world.


Main Features Of eLBaaS

eLBaaS is one of its kind. Built to kill the gap in embedded Linux integration, deployment and maintanance in the area of wide spreading IoT.

Rapid prototyping

Rapid prototyping of embedded Linux based devices. Just pick a well known SoC (RPi) and build the OS with few clicks!

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Configuration less deployment

Deploy your device without any explicit configuration at customer site. Super helpful when you have plenty of devices to deploy!

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Yocto/BSP maintanance

We take care of your Yocto/BSP (Board Support Package) maintanance whether it's a well known or a custom SoC. Making sure no well known security issues can hamper your product!

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A tool for everyone!

Product owner takes control of the product. eLBaaS brings everyone of the development team togather working as a center piece for development.

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About eLBaaS

Build Your Nextgen Embedded GNU/Linux OS Hassle Free, Secure and Reliable.

eLBaaS (the build tool) opens up the opportunity to use already prepared YOCTO for you. eLBaaS offers a clean and easy to use web based interface for building embedded GNU/Linux distribution. Everyone in a team can organize themselves surrounding eLBaaS. eLBaaS being at the center piece of the development can help you to take important decisions along the product development life cycle. Once the product is in the market - eLBaaS maintenance can help to ensure that product is secure, bug free and up-to date with all the new software versions.

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Our Team

Meet Our Team


Mohammad Mullick (Rakib)



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Our Location

Dhaka, Bangladesh (currently operating remotely) Please contact us via e-mail.

How Can We Help?
